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Pension Leads

Call 020 3468 4215 or complete our Enquiry Form for more information.

A potential customer that has chosen the pensions & retirement category and would like to speak to an independent financial advisor or restricted advisor.

Leads are generates traffic through a paid search campaign on Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising. Microsoft Advertising is a service that provides pay per click advertising on the Bing, Yahoo!, and DuckDuckGo search engines.

We generate financial advisor leads through the following website: Financial Advisor Direct and Regulated Advice.


We charge a variable price per appointment based on fund size. Appointments from £350 (No VAT as in Gibraltar). Average fund size £210,000. The conversion rate is 60%*.

We charge a fixed price per lead based on geographical coverage: From £120 per lead (No VAT as in Gibraltar). Average fund size £180,000. The conversion rate is 15%**.

* Data collated from booking 8,000+ appointments between 2013 and 2025 by RMT Group.

** This was measured between August 2022 and October 2023 with a sample of 319. This was reported by Ashley Richardson, One Financial Planning (Scotland). £2,400 monthly spend equates to circa £8,000 fees.

Enter postcode:
Areas of advice:
Full name and surname:
Your pension pot / fund size (if applicable):

  • Real time issuance of leads via email, text and RMT Group web portal
  • Gibraltar Regulatory Authority registered business
  • GDPR compliant sourced data
  • The conversion rate for appointments is 60% based on 8,000+ appointments booked between 2013 and 2025. The average portfolio fund size is £210,000 based on data called between August to November 2022.

    The conversion rate for pension leads is 15%. * The average portfolio fund size is £180,000. (see below)

    How many leads will you buy per year?
    Possible percentage conversion rate? %
    How much is a converted lead fee worth to you? £  

    Which means the number of potential conversions you generate will be
    (not including other business): £
    And that means the total amount of potential business equates to
    (not including other business): £

    *This was measured between August 2022 and October 2023 with a sample of 319. This was reported by Ashley Richardson, One Financial Planning (Scotland). £2,400 monthly spend equates to circa £8,000 fees.

    Yes. We offer weekly in arrears payment terms for all types of financial advisors.

    For more information call 020 3468 4215.

    (1) Financial advisor leads (Scotland) The conversion rate for pension leads is 15%. This was measured between August 2022 and October 2023 with a sample of 319. This was reported by Ashley Richardson, One Financial Planning (Scotland). £2,400 monthly spend equates to circa £8,000 fees.

    (2) Financial advisor leads (South England) - Sample 2045 - £180,000 average portfolio size. This was measured between April 2019 and April 2021. This was reported by Edward Leyland, Tilneys (Liverpool) during this time.

    (3) Financial advisor appointments. The conversion rate is 60%. Data collated from booking 8,000+ appointments between 2013 and 2025 by RMT Group.

    Enquiry Form

    An enquiry should only be made by an authorised advisor. Your information will be used to contact you about the services we provide, through the contact methods you select above. By submitting above you agree to share your details with retail clients. We do use a third party to handle and store your personal data on behalf of RMT Group Limited. Please call us or reply to any communication from us if you no longer consent to us storing your data or contacting you. *These fields are required for the form to be submitted.